2017 Retreat

Starting the new school year right

Last weekend all Junior and Senior High students played, prayed, partnered and participated together, building relationship together, and learning from each other. Many thanks to Mrs Bella, Becca Fraser and the Stu-Co for your hard work in organizing this event. The common testimony was that it was amazing and even life changing in so many ways. Following is a short video report from some of our students. Enjoy their take-aways from our weekend.

TDA Soccer Season

We had a great boys’ soccer season! This was Coach Elijah Mwansanga’s second year coaching our boys, and he did so well! Many of the boys who were on our first year team graduated last year, so this was a year of rebuilding and teaching. We were so grateful to have...


This past weekend we had our annual Junior High and Senior High Retreat, and everyone had an amazing time. The day was filled with creative and fun team building activities, and each class was able to show some of its personality through fort building, class...

First Day of School

There was a special atmosphere around the halls of our school today as it filled with new and returning students of all ages, welcomed by our Student Council members, Principals and teachers. Elementary students, aged 3-11, received the love of God in the midst of...