Vision, direction, goal, dream whatever you want to call it. This year we have quite a bit of it. Our four executive student leaders have spent the summer asking God what’s on His heart for the school, and here’s just a piece of what they have heard.

Gatlin, Student Body President: “I had a dream that somebody called me up to pray in front of the school and everybody was separated by colors into their classes. I was hesitant at first and the prayer was really dry, all up until I started praying about the Lord’s wonders. How everyday things are truly incredible pieces of the Lord’s identity, and how we were made to experience them! As opposed to the natural Seven Wonders of the World, I believe God wants us to learn to experience with the real 5 Wonders of the World: taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell.”
Gage, Student Body Vice President: “We want this year to be what has been prophesied over it. The turning point, the year where we reignite the flame of God to be our first love again, seeing power encounters all year like we saw at the retreat… and even more so! To grow in community with one another, and to learn the identity of God and of ourselves… a bold, yet conquerable task. This is the year that changes The Daniel Academy and those inside it.”
Malachi, Executive Liaison: “I keep hearing the phrase “You are worthy; this is your year.” The Lord wants to give us things that we have never seen or experienced, but we have to be ready and intercede/ fight for those things.
We have to remind God of the promises He has given us. It’s our job to be disciples and go after Him. It’s our job to do the natural things on earth, so God can do the supernatural things. We can’t just sit around and expect for Him to move, we have to be the movement and He will spur us on and give us favor.”

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