Exploring Kingdom Education Part 1
Kingdom ConceptThe concept of kingdom education has traditionally leaned heavily upon protecting a child from the influence of the world by immersing that child in a Christ centered environment, where at home, school and church, he/she is equipped to live out Biblical...
Talking Art With Mrs. Steinke
We interviewed Angie Steinke, whom many parents will know as TDA's gifted Pre-K teacher who has combined the investment of past years' teachers with her own unique skill-set to develop a wonderful educational experience for our 3-4 year olds. But there is so much...
Lion’s Week Colorado
Colorado Lion's Week Lion’s Week is a special time where the juniors and seniors of The Daniel Academy get to escape from school for a week and really bond and make lasting memories together. This year, instead of going in the spring time as it has been done in the...
Soccer Season 2017
Our 2017 soccer season was very successful! Under Coach Elijah Mwansanga’s leadership, we won 11 of our 16 games this season. He helped bring unity to the team and showed them what it was like to play as a unit instead of as individuals. His philosophy, Jesus first,...
Friday Family Prayer Assemblies
Friday Morning By Lelonnie Hibberd For the past 6 weeks, I have been meeting with a wonderful group of families and children ages 5-12, to explore and practice how to help our children engage in corporate prayer events. It has been an amazing time often spontaneously...
Translating The Bible
This past week in elementary assembly the students got to hear from and pray over a wonderful young man who is working on an Indian Ocean Island. The students got to hear about his work translating the Bible into the local language, and how he shares the gospel by...
Hour of Adoration
"We can pray to the God who is in charge of everything." It is simple adoration such as this that was uttered from a kindergartener that moves the heart of God. Last Wednesday, instead of the usual morning assembly, an hour of this time was dedicated for adoration....
TDA JH/SH Retreat
Last weekend all Junior and Senior High students played, prayed, partnered and participated together, building relationship together, and learning from each other. Many thanks to Mrs Bella, Becca Fraser and the Stu-Co for your hard work in organizing this event. The...
TDA Family Prayer is Set to Continue
Its probably the coolest and most fun all-age prayer meeting you've been to in awhile. After meeting once per week in the summer and once a month during the school year for at least 5 years, our Sunday afternoon family prayer time is officially comprised of more...
Exploring the Traits of Plastic
Grade 8 Science The experiment that Christian is doing is actually a take-home experiment for our home-study day. The eighth graders are extracting plastic from milk. It is a part of our study of atoms, elements, and molecules: This week in eighth grade science our...
First Day of School
We asked students around the school if they could give one word to describe their 1st day of school. Here is what they said:
What is the Lord Saying for This Coming Year?
From the TDA Leadership Team We hope this will be both an encouragement and a confirmation to our families and students. He wants to encounter us and is inviting us to look towards this year with a sense of expectation and faith. We are to become a school of prayer....
It has been a wonderful summer vacation time and the 2017-18 school year is nearly upon us. We interviewed a few of our teachers and admin staff to see how they are preparing; here's what they said: We started by speaking with Mark French who has a challenging job...
TDA Welcomes Dennis Aldy as our basketball coach
His Story TDA Welcomes Dennis Aldy as our basketball coach for the 2017-18 School Year!! Dennis Aldy and his family are originally from MS. After high school, he played basketball at Holmes Junior College, in Goodman, MS. In 1988 he married his wife, Dara. The...
TDA’s New Soccer Coach
The Daniel Academy is pleased to welcome Elijah Mwansanga as our 2017-2018 High School boy’s and girl’s Head Soccer Coach! Elijah began playing soccer for the Jr and Sr National teams in his home country of Zambia. In 2004, a dream came true when he was offered a...
Fall Flannel Fest 2016
What is the Fall Flannel Fest? The Daniel Academy Student Council’s Fall Flannel Fest for Junior High and High School took place on November third. It was a night where everyone from different grades could come together and just have good, clean fun. The party, funded...
Love or Hate?
The last few weeks, the decision to choose Love or Hate has been a hot topic in our community and nation. We have heard everyone's opinions regarding this topic on social media and in local news. Hearing the same...
Grade 1 Bible Class Testimony
We had quite an amazing time this past week, all of which was initiated by our 6 year old Grade 1 students, and led by the Holy Spirit. In times like these the teacher's role is often, to simply "let the children come to Jesus." While we teachers always come to Bible...
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The Daniel Academy
310 W 106th St.
Kansas City MO. 64114