Our Policies
The Daniel Academy has several policies in place regarding academics, family commitments, finances, and dating relationships. We require all families and students at our school to accept and adhere to these policies while involved at TDA.
Academic Policy
We offer both full- and part-time schooling options for our elementary and junior high students, and will often accept transfer credits from other schools or homeschooling curricula. Download our Academic Policy and Graduation Requirements.
Family Commitment Policy
Family Partnership Private School Model – We have a unique model of partnership with our parents at TDA. We know that parents have the first responsibility before the Lord in training their children. We want to support our parents in this role both academically and also spiritually and emotionally.
We have a 4-day classroom schooling model with the 5th day at home with the parents. Students learn and practice new concepts in the classroom Mondays – Thursdays, and then work on homework and other projects at home on Fridays. This gives parents a chance to be a part of what their child is learning without carrying the full weight of instruction. This also gives more time for our families to do extra-curricular activities that are very important in the growth of students.
Our parents also serve on-site at school each week in our classrooms. This gives our parents the ability to be a part of our daily school routine and the opportunity to meet their children’s friends and other parents. It provides a special opportunity for building community together. (We also have options for parents who both work full-time.)
Opposite Gender Policy
The Policy of Opposite Gender (also known as the POG), is a junior high/high school conduct and behavioral policy regarding how teenage boys and girls should relate to each other. Central to the POG is a “no dating” agreement, but the real reason and value of the POG is so much more than just that. Our goal is to create a safe environment, for our students to pursue God and build deep friendships, free from the distractions of dating. You can read about the POG in greater detail, here.
Financial Policy
View The Daniel Academy’s financial policy to find details on the payment schedule, multi-sibling discount, and where to make payments. Additionally find information on required textbooks and adding or dropping classes.
Non-Discrimination Policy
The Daniel Academy admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial assistance program, or athletic and other school administered programs.
Contact Us
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Phone Number: 816-943-0923
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The Daniel Academy
310 W 106th St.
Kansas City MO. 64114