The Blog

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Consecrated Living

In order to become people of influence, leadership, and excellence, we must begin living in a consecrated way in our everyday lives.  Every human being is looking for what makes them unique, and as believers, we are continually seeking how to function in our God-given...

Adoration, Prayer, and Academics

A TDA Core Value:  Adoration Prayer In a world attempting to separate church and state, the Lord has created a divine link between adoring the Lord, prayer and academics that cannot be denied.  In fact, this link cannot be understated in it's intrinsic...

The Knowledge of the Holy

The Knowledge of the Holy | Caeley Pittman   What comes into your mind when you think about God? According to A. W. Tozer, your answer to this question is the most important thing about you. About any Christian...    

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The Daniel Academy

310 W 106th St.

Kansas City MO. 64114