At TDA, the high value we place on our athletics program reflects our philosophy that we learn about aspects of the Lord in everything we do, including sports.  Teamwork, camaraderie, winning well, losing well, and working hard, all help shape our character.

Athletics are another great vehicle to teach life lessons about leadership, teamwork, servanthood, respect, and more. Participating in various sports and athletic activities give students practice in how to deal in a godly way with winning and losing, relationships and honoring one another.

At younger levels we give every student opportunity to practice, excel and compete in a variety of sports through our Physical Education Program in their PE classes.  Our older students (6 th – 12 th graders) are given the opportunity to play competitively and learn how to work together, practice hard and encourage one another through varies sports such as volleyball, basketball, and soccer. We participate in the Great Plains Athletic Conference, GPAC. This conference includes teams that are similar in size and competition.

  • Fall Sports season: End of July – End of October
    • 6 th – 12 th Girls’ Volleyball
    • 6 th – 12 th Boys’ Soccer
    • 6 th – 12 th Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country
  • Winter Sports season: End of October – Mid-February
    • 6 th – 12 th Girls’ Basketball
    • 6 th – 12 th Boys’ Basketball
  • Spring Sports season: Mid-March – Mid-May
    • 6 th – 12 th Girls’ Soccer
    • 6 th – 12 th Boys’ Volleyball
    • 6 th – 12 th Boy’s and Girls’ Track and Field

We ask our students, whether they are participating in physical education or playing on a competitive team, to live as unto the Lord and seek to honor Him in all they do. Additionally, we expect our students who participate in one of our TDA Athletics programs to represent our Lord Jesus:

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Col. 3:17

We have TDA Athletic programs for Junior and Senior High students. For more information or questions email our Athletic Director: Kari Keithley

Athletics Director:


Each athlete that competes at The Daniel Academy will be expected to strive at all times to reflect Jesus Christ by doing the following:


Psalms 37:5

Be committed to Jesus first, then the team.

Colossians 3:23

Be intense. Give maximum effort.

I Corinthians 9:25

Be disciplined, self-controlled and on time!

Romans 12:1, 2

Be obedient to authority (e.g. coaches, captains, officials, and others).

Philippians 2:2

Promote team unity.

2 Corinthians 5:20

Represent the school and Jesus Christ as ambassadors.

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The Daniel Academy

310 W 106th St.

Kansas City MO. 64114