Mrs. Lee teaches one of our two High School Bible class entitled, “Biblical Understanding & Application”.
As part of this class the students undertook a Bible Blast, where they read through the entire new testament in 6 weeks, by reading 10 chapters each day! They looked at the meanings behind 25 different names of Jesus, shared, learned to journal and meditate, prayed and prophesied over each other! Our students were greatly impacted. Consider taking the time to read through parts of their testimonies below. Anyone who has a heart that the young people of our generation would truly know Jesus will be greatly encouraged!


“James has now become my favorite book in the Bible. It is crazy to see how many relatable passages there are and little phrases that I have begun to say through the day that really help me…. I love the challenge of reading the Word and journaling and really discovering meanings behind the passages I am reading.”


“I went from reading one verse a day to ten chapters a day. However, I truly believe that this blast shifted the way I view and practice my faith.. As time went on, I began to read the Bible in a way I never had before. I began to fall in love with the poetic words that deeply resonated with me; and I had a whole new appreciation for the word of God. I started going to it when I was stressed or sad.”


“I have created Bible reading habits, knowing how to hear God more clearly, and understanding His word better.”


“Learning the meaning of each name of Jesus helps me to see part of God’s personality and identity through each name!”


“I’ve grown to love reading the Bible again. Doing the meditations and journaling really strengthened our relationship with Jesus. I also loved praying for our friends and encouraging each other!”


“I have enjoyed learning about the beauty of Jesus. This class has given me an understanding that Jesus really enjoys spending time with me and delights in me. Also that Jesus enjoys talking to me.”


My favorite thing we did this semester was having the opportunity to bless each other in the school by praying and prophesying Bible verses over each other. The day that my class came together to pray for me helped me so much; it blessed and also encouraged me so much. It brought so much unity into the class when we prayed for each other.”


“Reading the New Testament has put a fire in me to share the gospel through my word and deed…. The power of life and death is in the tongue; the Lord has been making this so clear to me. I believe that if Jesus is the Word, then words must be important.”


“Even through the hard and stressful senior year, I have been more joyful. Part of this is from connecting with God and writing to Him. Meditating on His word was also very good too.”


“Before we began this, I rarely ever thought about the different aspects or Names of Him; He was just Jesus to me. Now, I see Him as a Wonderful Counselor, a Good Shepherd, A Savior, and many more things. I have begun to pray that I would see Him as whatever it was I was meditating on.”


“I have seen that through the hard times, my relationship with God was strengthened even though it was hard.”


“The Names of Jesus hold such power and different connotations individually, and I loved meditating on each of those over the past few weeks.”


“Over this past semester, I learned how to connect with the Lord. I also learned how to gaze on the beauty of God. ..This year impacted me alot more than any other Bible class!”


“I learned this semester that the beauty of Jesus is not something that He alone keeps, nor it is just His physical appearance. Jesus is beauty in all of His ways and He keeps it within all the people He loves.”


“One of the things that has really helped me with my relationship with God is journalling. Keeping a journal is really helpful because: I can look back and be encouraged… it helps me meditate on the verses I’m reading… I write down questions from what I’m reading that I can go back to.. I can tell God about my day and about how I feel…it helps me keep dialogue with Him everyday.”


“One of the ways Jesus revealed to us His beauty was through one another. He did this through our prayers, conversations, and time spent with each other. I saw this a lot during the sharing time in class. It is amazing to see the insight of Jesus from others.”


“What Jesus has done in my heart over the last Semester has been life changing….It is so much better living for Him every day in pursuit of what He has for me.”


“I have learned a lot in this class. I have learned new ways to connect with Jesus. My favorite part is the journaling; I connect with Jesus more when I write or draw.”

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