About The Daniel Academy

The Daniel Academy is a private school in Kansas City, Missouri, established in 2007 and serving students in preschool through 12th grade.  We meet in classrooms with instructors 4 days per week (Monday through Thursday) and then students work at home with parents on Fridays.  Our vision is to raise up students who want to go into the world and bring the Lord’s heart and ways to all arenas, just as Daniel in the Bible did.  We train our students in both spiritual and academic excellence and prepare to launch them to impact the world, using their gifts to serve others wherever they go.

The Daniel Academy partners with families in the education process, allowing parents to directly participate at the school with their children. We currently serve 130 families with over 230 students.

Our Emphasis

Joining the Global Prayer Movement – We believe our students are called to a deep walk with the Lord, focusing on prayer and hearing Him. As the Lord establishes a prayer movement around the world, we want to fully partner with expressions of prayer in Kansas City.  Our families and staff commit to 2 hours per week in corporate prayer in places like the International House of Prayer (IHOP-KC), Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Navah Church KC, Create Church KC, Radiant Church KC, Team Xtreme, and prayer events at your home church.   Our students also pray at school, starting our days with morning assemblies with our students leading in corporate worship, prayer and adoration. We break mid-day for intercession prayer on current events or issues in the world and then end our days with prayers of thanksgiving. We have seen over the years how much these times have impacted the students’ hearts.

Christian Reformers – We have been privileged to interact with a number of great men and women of God and allow our students to glean from their teaching and experiences. People such as Rick Santorum, Loren Cunningham, Peter Xu, George Verwer, Steve Douglas and Father Anton from India have visited our school to speak to and pray over our students. We have also had local city leaders including senators, doctors, businessmen, pastors and other professionals speak to our students about how to bring impact wherever the Lord sends them. We know this generation of youth is called to great things and we focus on helping them discover their gifts, talents and callings. We pray and counsel one-on-one with all our seniors, helping them map out their next steps.

Leadership Preparation for All Areas of Society – We know today’s students will be tomorrow’s leaders in the mountains of influence. We encourage our students to try new things in order to learn how to lead and discover their giftings.  In addition to our classes, we also offer drama, sports, clubs, and other activities.   Our school is like a greenhouse, where students feel safe and loved and are able to grow in leadership and wisdom in the areas they are called to. We have opportunities for our students to lead in worship, student government, drama productions, sports, art and science. We have had the opportunity to offer classes that will give our students a taste of future areas of study including entrepreneurialism, music production, film production, web design, novel writing, international relations and foreign policies and more.

The Daniel Academy Biblical Wisdom Training

The Daniel Academy Four Pillars: Prayer, Consecration, Excellence, Marvelous Friendships


Our Team

Emily Lee

Emily Lee

Principal / Dean of Biblical Leadership

Emily Lee has as a Masters of Divinity (M.Div) from Fuller Theological Seminary. She has a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Chinese Studies, with a Minor in Psychology and Sociology, from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). She and her husband helped start a church when they were in college. After seminary, they planted another church in Southern California, called The Exodus in 2001; they were ordained in 2006, and have SO enjoyed the journey with their ‘marvelous comrades’, loving Jesus FIRST together!!!! She’s also worked with/taught groups of high school students in the past as their advisor in the church. God led them to Kansas City in 2009. They have six children, with five of them enrolled at TDA! “We love TDA and love the fruit that we see in our 5 kids. My husband (Jonathan) and I are on the Board of TDA, I’ve been teaching high school Bible and Senior Foundations the last few years and absolutely LOVE it! I am so honored to partner with Jesus and see His dreams carried out here.” 

Jonathan Lee

Jonathan Lee

Chaplain and Dean of Biblical Leadership / TDA2.0 CEO

Jonathan is married to Emily, the Principal of TDA. Since moving to Kansas City 10 years ago, he has been involved with the school, first as a parent helper, then as an active board member, Chaplain, and Dean of Biblical Leadership. Most recently, he has been given leadership over TDA 2.0 and the development of the HOPE District. Jonathan has a tremendous love for the business and ministry, and loves when the two intersect. Because of this, he has a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business and a Masters of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary. Jonathan has been involved with church plants and business startups, and longs to see that same entrepreneurial spirit manifests itself in the HOPE District!

Jasmine Small

Jasmine Small

Director of Operations

Jasmine is married to her husband, Lonnie. Together they have a son who currently attends TDA. Jasmine and Lonnie have a heart for serving their family, friends, and community through marketplace ministry. Since moving from the East Coast four years ago, they have worked to build a home repair business, Lonnie Small Services, which gives them the opportunity to restore homes and hearts with hard work and the love of Jesus. This year Jasmine will serve and support the TDA family as the Director of Operations and Lead School Administrator. When she’s not working she enjoys decorating, baking, and being silly with her son who she affectionately calls, her Stink.

Jeri Logan

Jeri Logan

Dean of Junior High

Jeri Logan is happily married to Jared Logan and they have 5 children. They moved here from Wisconsin in 2009. All of their children have attended or attend TDA since. Their two oldest have graduated from TDA. Jeri graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin with degrees in Psychology and Sociology. Her first job after graduating was as a Corporate Guardian which shortly thereafter led to a job as a Juvenile Crisis Counselor. In this position, Jeri worked with children and families in crisis, big or small, lead abuse and neglect investigations, was contracted by the county to perform suicide assessments, and fulfilled a grant-funded role that worked in conjunction with a local domestic abuse shelter and the police department to make contact with and provide assistance to families affected by domestic abuse. Jeri comes to us with both a heart for our students and a passion for the Lord and desires to see the Lord bring healing and wholeness and some fun to our families at TDA. 

Cindy Hilker

Cindy Hilker

Dean of Elementary

Cindy has been educating and ministering to children since she was a teenager. She homeschooled her three children and was a Children’s Pastor with her husband for 25 years. Her BS degree in Business Administration has been used as she filled various leadership roles at church, a homeschool association, and homeschool programs. Once her children graduated high school, Cindy worked for three years as the Center Manager at Rachel House Pregnancy Resource Center in Independence. Cindy is passionate about seeing children and young adults receive excellent education for their spirit, soul, and body. She and her husband have effectively guided hundreds of children, including their own three, to have a personal relationship with the Lord through prayer, worship, reading the Word, and hearing His voice for themselves. Cindy believes the Lord has been preparing her for years to serve as the Elementary Dean at The Daniel Academy and humbly and gladly accepts the responsibility and looks forward to partnering with teachers and parents, “So that your trust may be in the Lord, I teach you today,” Proverbs 22:19

Lauren Fraser

Lauren Fraser

Principal Emeritus

Lauren Fraser grew up in the mountains in the scientific community of Los Alamos, New Mexico.  She followed her father’s footsteps into mechanical engineering, graduating from the University of Kansas. Upon graduation she worked at Westinghouse in Silicon Valley in CA on the Trident II submarine missile launch tubes.  During a church plant there, she met her husband and they began a life of ministry, business and raising a family.  Lauren has always been passionate about education and helping children love learning and love life.  She home-schooled their 4 children, helping start a thriving co-op in Johnson County.  In 2007 she helped found The Daniel Academy where the Lord supernaturally gave His vision for training up today’s leaders in all aspects of life.  She relaxes by hanging out with her children and grandchildren, hiking and biking, and praying!

Christie May Jessee

Christie May Jessee

Head of Math and Science Department

Originally from New England; she earned a BS in General Engineering and an MS in Environmental Engineering at Stanford University in California. She has taught junior high and high school math in California and English and western culture in China. She has also been active in various relational healing ministries. She and her husband, Erick, have two daughters currently attending The Daniel Academy.

Teaching: AP Calculus, AP Environmental Science, Algebra 1, Engineering Practicum, JH STEM


Andrea Nwagwu

Andrea Nwagwu

Head of History Department


Joanna Sliz

Joanna Sliz

Head of English Department


Lena Misener

Lena Misener

AP Science

Lena is originally from Florida. She earned a BS in Biology at Florida Southern College and an MS in Microbiology/Molecular Genetics at University of South Florida. After teaching college, Lena chose to stay home to teach her children and used her gifts to help build the homeschool community. With over 30 years of experience teaching science, she is excited to be sharing the discovery of God’s creation at The Daniel Academy. She and her husband, David, have four adult children they raised & homeschooled together. The Misener family works together on their Arabian horse breeding farm that also serves as youth ranch ministry.

Teaching: AP Biology, Biology, English 8


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The Daniel Academy

310 W 106th St.

Kansas City MO. 64114