TDA Vision Casting 2016 | by Caeley Pittman
The Importance of Vision
Since its inception, The Daniel Academy’s vision has been to create a community that pursues God in prayer, fasting, excellence, and camaraderie. Because the Lord often highlights a specific focus for each school year that builds upon this foundation, we spent Thursday morning’s assembly discussing what He is saying about 2016.
Mrs. Lauren Fraser began by recounting the story of TDA’s beginning. An angel came to Bob Hartley, saying to “tell Lauren to start the Daniel 9:23 school.”
“I was stunned,” she told us, “because Daniel 9:23—the Lord had always shown me—was the life verse over my life, over my kids, and over your generation.” Through many confirmations, God led the Frasers to found The Daniel Academy in 2007.
Student Body Vice President, Chandler Ramos focused on the importance of having vision. He read Proverbs 29:18, which says, “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.” When a community lacks a goal, each person goes down his own path, unable to support others on their journeys. But prophetic vision provides a common destination. Chandler analogized vision to a spear’s point: a blunt tip will not succeed in piercing its target, but if it is pointed, it will meet its mark. “He’s given us this school to have a vision…to have a good, sharp point going into life, rather than going in with a blunt-edged javelin and not making a mark on the world.”
Chaplains, Daja Baker and Matthew Capps, emphasized that students should not wait until they have seniority to care about where the school is going. Matthew said,
“The vision has no effect unless there are leaders who step out into the vision and actually take it somewhere.”
Student Body Vision for 2016
This year’s focus is about returning to the original foundation: Jesus Christ. Margo Evilsizor spoke about the parable in Matthew 7 about the house built on a rock. Jesus is the rock, the cornerstone, and everything that we do must originate in him.
“What are you building your house on? What does it look like to make Jesus your foundation? And what happens when a bunch of individuals who have a foundation in the Lord come together?” are some of the questions we are asking this year. As we go on this journey together, we must remember who Jesus is: the Head of the Body. Without him, we have no purpose, no direction. Jesus is the only one with the power to unify and guide us to the Father, so he must remain the center of everything.
Margo, summarizing the goal for this semester, said, “We are wanting to grow in making Christ our foundation and return to the foundation of TDA.”

The students then met in small groups to discuss these questions:
- Why are you here?
- What stands out to you when you hear about the school’s foundation?
- Did you feel there was vision last semester?
- What has hindered you from caring or acting on your passions so far?
- How are you going to contribute to the school’s vision?
- How are you personally going to apply this (or additional) vision?
We are returning to the grassroots of The Daniel Academy; it is a greenhouse that allows students to ground themselves in the Lord before going out and fulfilling The Great Commission. If the pursuit of Jesus is our foundation, we will be able to stand firm in any storm, “For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

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